You may have been wondering now why you bought your timeshares. Few years back when you loved it so much because of its unique package that enables families and friends to experience one of a kind vacation paradise. This was when traveling became a major hit in the 1960s and since the people back then wanted a vacation house. The concept has evolved from a simple slogan, “why rent a room, buy a hotel”, to a more flexible offer like the exchange program that lets family spend vacation into another location with the same ambiance and convenience.
And now reality bites that you have to give up that timeshare you have. Giving up means getting rid of payments—the maintenance fees. Maintenance fees are what timeshare owners dislike. It keeps on increasing. The sad part here is that owners could not just leave it behind. Or else they will be summoned for delinquent payments. Once you have signed the contract, there is no easy way out. But if you have fully paid your unit and that the fees are current in standing then there is an easier way to unload timeshares.
The answer is because of the initiative of David and Cindy MacMillan, owners of Timeshare Relief. They too had a timeshare unit yet experienced the hassles of owning it. In 2004 and up to know, they have helped 45,000 people out of their 52,000 units. They have received the Best Torrance Award for two consecutive years. This was because of their dedication and passion to aid in transferring the titles of the owners’ timeshares.
There are corresponding qualifications in order for you to avail of their services. Your unit must be paid in full. Maintenance fees should be updated. Or if you only have either of the two just contact Timeshare Relief to know more of other qualifications. Timeshare Relief Hotline: 1-866-797-0535. Or you may visit their new website. The website was designed to further answer the necessary questions a timeshare owner and reseller must know. The topics were further segregated in such a way that a customer could directly target what he/she needs.
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