Here are a few things that you should be doubtful of whenever a representative asks you to turn over your timeshares with pay.
The representative contacts you via phone. No reputable resale company would just convince you to resell a serious property. Though there are a few exemptions on the use of phones in negotiating an agreement, but then it is improper for a company to do such marketing method.
A resale company that promises you of a ready buyer is deceiving you for sure. This is one example of too good to be true promises. Timeshare resales do not mark on the market. It is because prospective buyers have realized its impracticality plus the hardships of the recession that brought consumers too much financial obligations. The competition in the resale market is high. And in order for you to be seen in the market, you might as well lower down the price of the unit even more. Timeshare resales cost around 30%-50% of its original price and it’s just not worth it to resell your unit much lower than 30% of its original price. Such phenomenon could be attributed to the buyers swho are not interested on high paying vacation houses. Or it could possibly be that they prefer to rent out units directly from the developer since it has more perks and benefits rather than owning a second hand timeshare unit.
Illegal resale representatives ask for upfront fees. It is not advisable to pay even a small amount just so you can get away from your unit. Tendency is that the representative might just ran away especially if he has already a hold of your credit card number. Whether you have seen the office or not, it is still discouraged to pay additional charges for advertisement fees because in the first place advertising timeshare resales still won’t work.
Just so you can avoid these scamming activities, make sure to choose the right timeshare relief. It might be that reselling is not the answer but rather a transfer title would click better since it doesn’t require of fees.
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