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Debunking Timeshare Myths

The second myth on timeshares that the CEO of Sell My Timeshare NOW Jason Tremblay debunked in his recent post in the Timeshare Authority Blog is that “Timeshare is worthless on the resale market.” The said myth had also been in existence for some time now. He considers the said myth to be from timeshare owners who also tried selling their timeshares but did so in inappropriate locations. He also says that it also comes from others who would want to get the timeshares of owners who are selling their timeshares at a low price to be able to resell it for a profit.

Indeed, both sources of the myth that he mentioned can be liable for its circulation. But the question is, is it really a myth then? If it is, so it can be translated that timeshares do have worth in the resale market. So, it also means that timeshare owners who are fed up with the irregularities that they suffer from their timeshares can actually sell their property at a rate that the owner can consider to be profitable. Or if profitable is too much, can they sell it at a rate that is at least comparable enough to the amount they paid for when they purchased the property? If the answer to these clarifications are no, I am not sure if timeshare owners should really be educated to believe that timeshares do have value in the timeshare resale market. Or maybe what we can do is to quantify the “value” that we actually mean when we say “value in the timeshare market.”
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