Linger Longer LLC suspends its contract with the Jekyll Island Authority for the establishment of hotels, timeshare units and a convention center. It may not be good news to Jekyll Island residents but it is to some timeshare owners needing immediate timeshare relief.
The development plan that Linger Longer and Jekyll Island Authorities are gradually putting into reality has been in discussion for more than a year. Both parties signified to the agreement, including in terms of the funding of the project. However, Linger Longer had to cut the contract without exact explanation on their end. However, they signified their satisfaction in being able to support the Island in terms of their contribution in planning using their expertise as well as in initially setting the plan for its completion.
Linger Longer may have discontinued with the contract but the Jekyll Island Authority ensured the continuity of the project. They are set out to proceed with the establishment of the infrastructures by inviting various developers to fund the projects separately. The fruition of this plan will set out Jekyll Island for more tourists to visit it and enjoy the bounties it is well endowed.
Timeshare owners who are trying to get out of their contracts should take this chance to market their timeshares. The finalization of the Jekyll revitalization will add up to the competition that is already strong enough since more timeshares will be established in Jekyll Island. Timeshare owners who want to get rid of their timeshares should find faster ways to sell their timeshares lest the timeshare company operating in Jekyll set out marketing their packages ahead of these owners.
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