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Late Michael Jackson Have Sought Relief In A Timeshare

Timeshare ReliefMichael Jackson’s death still has made people talking about their memories with him everywhere. A report from Orange Country, Florida where the king of pop used to visit in the 1980’s, have known about his sanctuary where he finds relief in this timeshare.

A timeshare of 26,000 square foot in area is where Michael Jackson stayed during the turmoil of his child molestation charges, for which he was later found not guilty. David Siegel and his wife Jacqueline, owners of this property known as Isleworth palace, shares their experience with the famous King of Pop.

“We told him it would be $15,000 a week. Now I'm sorry I didn't ask for more because he was accustomed to paying $100,000 a month for a house,” says Mr. Siegel.

“He said he'll take it under the condition that nobody knows he's here. I didn't tell anybody. He moves in. Within a day, he's up on top of the house waving at boaters!” he recalls.

Indeed, it attracted east coast paparazzi to the surrounding lake, but Michael Jackson still managed to enjoy his privacy. The 4-acre private island with a private gate, is what made him bought it. He had looked for a lot of homes around the area but only Isleworth palace proved convenient for him.

Mr. Siegel also shares about the King of Pop’s fondness of the game room and the pool. Moreover, Michael spent a lot of time in the master bedroom with his entourage.

Today, the world is in grief about his death but for the people who have acquainted with him, nothing compares to the remorse they are experiencing. The Siegels were deeply saddened about Michael Jackson’s death. He had been a great timeshare tenant to them and it was a great pleasure to have served one of the biggest and influential star in the history of the music industry. That experience and time shared are their relief from the sadness of his passing.
23 Responses
  1. Condolences to the family of this great king of the pop singer. It is really fun to have timeshares but sometimes there are problems that the buyers could have, especially in financial matters because they have to pay for the maintainance and other fees of their timeshares.

  2. isaachumprey Says:

    Quality is the main emphasis in owning a timeshare.Getting a timeshare gives you a nice, high-quality place to stay on your holiday instead of playing a guessing game.

  3. Unknown Says:

    We have lost a legend with the death of MJ. However, when it comes to timeshares there is so much benefit to them that it's surprising there aren't more individuals who own a timeshare. They are becoming more popular, though, after falling out of favour for a while.

  4. Anonymous Says:

    The decrease in revenue of timeshares was expected. Some reasons would be competition from resort promos, increasing taxes, & public awareness on the financial burden of timeshares.

  5. Timeshare Relief will be meeting with timeshare owners face-to-face through five states – Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Ohio and Tennessee - to give presentation on how to “Get Rid of My Timeshare”.

  6. This is a short and sweet Timeshare Relief testimonial by Coach Harold Hill and his wife Dorcas. Timeshare Relief provides solution for owners who wanted to get rid of timeshare.

  7. Getting rid of timeshare doesn't mean selling it. Contracts often have clauses that allow a cancellation. Sometimes the cancellation period is as short as two weeks and sometimes it goes up to three months.

  8. jeremy Says:

    Although no one actually uses their timeshare(s) strictly for retirement living, an increasing number of consumers are able to vacation more in their retirement, particularly if they purchase their timeshare when they’re still working. That's the time when they can more to buy timeshares.

  9. Anonymous Says:

    Jacko is rich enough that he doesn't a timeshare. He owned a mansion. I'm sure he owned also big houses in great locations of his choice.

  10. Anonymous Says:

    Jacko is rich enough that he doesn't a timeshare. He owned a mansion. I'm sure he owned also big houses in great locations of his choice.

  11. Anonymous Says:

    In choosing a timeshare unit, what you need are not those luxurious services. You can relatively enjoy your vacation if you choose a timeshare with good view and the comfort of your home.

  12. Anonymous Says:

    What a nice timeshare unit for Michael! I don't believe the accusations for him. Anyway, it was cleared out until his death.

  13. Anonymous Says:

    The story of Michael Jackson and his timeshare property is interesting! This will prove that timeshare will you provide the owner a luxurious experience just like Jacko.

  14. Anonymous Says:

    This is a good article that exposes another benefit of timeshare ownership. Privacy. Just like Michael Jackson, I think some owners opt for a timeshare because you can exercise your privacy in this type of vacationing.

  15. Anonymous Says:

    The article about Michael Jackson and his timeshare ownership is good. Can you add some articles about celebrities and their timeshare ownership?

  16. Anonymous Says:

    The timeshare Michael Jackson must have been a great place. I think the price of that property is relatively cheaper from what MJ used to pay. Real nice place.

  17. Can you post some articles about the details of Michael Jackson's stay in his timeshare property? It's nice to read some articles about his private life.

  18. Anonymous Says:

    That timeshare property of Michael Jackson is really a luxurious place. It has tenants and those great amenities with just how many dollars charged price compared to $100,000 a month that MJ usually pay for a house.

  19. Anonymous Says:

    Please post some articles about the celebrities and their timeshare properties. Maybe their timeshares are really nice and luxurious.

  20. Anonymous Says:

    With the economic recession that hit us just recently, nobody is exempted from cost-cutting measures. I think even celebrities. Some of them might go for timesharing to cut some luxurious cost.

  21. Anonymous Says:

    Timeshare homes can be a good way to relax and secure your privacy. Even celebrities like Michael Jackson find relief and privacy on one of his timeshare properties.

  22. It's a great time to share it with a music icon like Jacko. How lucky for those tenants who shared times with Jacko during his stay in the timeshare.

  23. camela sue Says:

    We are saddened by the lost of a great music icon. There's nobody like him in this world and nobody will ever replace him.

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