But not all timeshares are exchangeable. So if you want to avail this, you have to ask the company where you intend to purchase if they have this kind of promo. Some companies have tie-ups with other timeshare exchange companies. When you have signed their contracts, you automatically can avail of the exchange program. Usually, the first year is free. The succeeding years already require payments.
So, how does it work? The owner is entitled to trade his own property with a different timeshare property of a different timeshare resort. The units to be trade should be equivalent to the previous one. Say for example, if your current unit only has one bedroom, you cannot trade two bedrooms for this. But if you have two bedrooms and you intend to make it one this time, then there’s no problem at all. In short, it is advised to choose the unit that is quite similar to the present. This program gives you the kind of freedom to search for a comparable vacation spot without too much of a hassle since you can visit the unit at any time of the year.
There are two ways to do this. One is to go to the developer. The other one is to go straight to the company. Internal International (II) and RCI are two of the world’s popular companies that offer timeshare exchange programs. But if you prefer other companies, make a background check. The timeshare industry, like any other industry, is surrounded by scammers and frauds that are waiting for you.
Remember that depositing your timeshare unit to the inventory of timeshare company’s available weeks is not simple. The exchange only takes place when the requested week is in the inventory and the offered week by the owner is the ideal exchangeable week. It is very advantageous for owners who own timeshares in peak seasons since “they can request exchange both in peak time and off peak time periods”. Those with off peak timeshares also go with off peak timeshare exchange. Situations may vary because of some factors.
You are on their waiting list if you cannot avail of the program. They shall contact you only when there is an available exchange.